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Visavys - For an effective meeting culture

Get the most out of your meetings and improve the way your team works together with Visavys, the all-purpose meeting management app. It allows you to schedule meetings, build meeting agendas and assign action items.

Start your free 30-day trial, no credit card necessary. By providing your email, you agree to our terms of service.


Use the Visavys to share notes and action items with your team.

The clean user interface makes note taking easy.

Productive meetings

Visavys has everything you need to facilitate a successful meeting

Works with Google GSuite and Microsoft Office 365. You can keep using your favorite calendar app and automatically link your meeting minutes.

Use your exsiting calendar software

Uses your exsiting events and synchronizes with Google GSuite and Microsoft Offie 365

Real time editor

Write and collaborate in real time with your coworkers. Working on the same notes makes alignment easy and efficient.

Clear responsibilities

Create action items in your meeting minutes and assign them to your team. Action items with their current status are in your inbox, so you have an overview of pending tasks. Task status and notes are always in sync.

Advanced Security

Hosted in the EU and GPPR compliant. Inquire about your data or ask for deletion.

Streamline meeting preparation and follow-up workflow

Assign responsibilities in your agenda and automatically notify your team to prepare input on time. Receive reminders on due action items.

Use powerful Templates

Use professional templates or create your own to bring structure into your meetings efficiently.

Award winning support

We’re here to help

We want to make your team have more effective meetings. Check out our FAQs and Guides if you have questions. Let us know how we can improve Visavys in the future in with your feedback.